Tenkara is all about simplicity but when it comes to line options it can get a little confusing. Let’s talk about the different kinds of tenkara lines that are available and how best to fish them. Generally, I like to categorize tenkara lines into 5 categories: level, furled or braided,…
Well, just about. This is a project we’ve been working on for several years now. First overseas with a wonderful manufacturer but then, we wanted to bring it home to the good ‘ole USA and our neighbors to the north in Montanta – RIO Products/Far Banks. Initially, we approached them…
I was recently asked to make a rod suggestion for beginner tenkara anglers. In fact, this question often comes up at fly fishing shows, expos, during presentations and through the Zen Tenkara Contact Us form. I always pause and hesitate to response because to properly answer this question, I feel…
Hand a fly rod to most any angler and he or she will hold it in their hand about the same way. They may grip the rod handle slightly higher or lower but generally it will resemble a “handshake” with the thumb up and the rest of the fingers and…
Once you have your tenkara rod, choosing a line is the next decision you have to make. But know you have options and these options are what helps you be prepared for almost anything. First there are several types of lines so lets quickly review them: Braided/Furled Line: These are…